She lives and works in Zagreb, and porcelain is primarily the ceramic material with which she expresses herself,
taking inspiration from colorful nature. This is the rich heritage of elements from which her works take form and inspiration, a return to the origins in which the artist constantly takes her cues, creating different forms, organisms, surfaces and colors. Her works often have different combinations of clays and porcelains with other materials, multicolored stratigraphies of matter that regenerate; earth matter that evolves, does not die, always giving varied possibilities for reuse, where we perceive the constant balance between nature, society and ourselves. In her latest works she even photographs them and resizes the details, layers them into an abstract concept, creating a prolonged dimension of time, trying to transfer a fascination of ethereal fragility.
Ljubica has been dedicated to ceramics for many years, attending ceramics masters in Croatia and around the world. She has participated in many group and solo exhibitions both in Croatia and in many international cities. She is a member of many ceramic associations including the ULUPUH - the Croatian Association of Artists, Kerameikon, the Croatian Association of Potters in Varaždin which is part of the IAC (International Academy of Ceramics in Geneva), she is a member of the Pandora Association and the Artists' Association in Slovenia, and she is one of the founders of the "Glineraj" (Paradise of Ceramics) ceramists' association in Zagreb.