Food & Ceramics - Ancient Harmony
Installation. Molded by hand and fired with pit firing.
Food is indispensable for our lives. Evidence of food preparation already appears in cave drawings. The discovery of pottery facilitated the preparation, storage and transportation of food, and people began to decorate these utilitarian ceramics with motifs that transferred their culture and customs to the surface. Two arts, in harmonious interaction, the art of preparing food and the art of making ceramic vessels, helped nourish and grow both soul and body.
2nd PRIZE to Ljubica Lovrencic - Croatia, with the work Food & Ceramics / Ancient harmony, for the interpretation of the theme and the execution of the pit-baked pieces.
The art of food preparation and the art of making ceramic vessels have helped nourish the soul and body in a harmonious interaction that is lost in time. The inclusion of iron elements promotes functionality and gives the work an aesthetic attributable to the archaic as well as modern design.