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Teacher by profession and ceramist by passion


A teacher by profession and a ceramist by passion, through experimentation with different techniques of molding and decorating low-temperature ceramics she has developed, over the years, her own artistic language inspired by the nature and culture of her homeland, Sardinia. Recurring elements in her creations are the pre-Nuragic Mother Goddess, sea creatures, poetic messages but also social denunciation and political engagement.
At Matres Festival 2022, organized by the Pandora Association of Ceramic Artists of Cava de' Tirreni, First International Women's Ceramic Competition VISIONS, received the unanimous first prize of the jury selection with the work Primordial Form and third prize in the Raku competition section with the work Sisterhood.

She is currently part of the Messy Lab, a ceramics collective in Turin with which she teaches hand modeling and the Raku technique, organizes courses, workshops in schools, lectures, exhibitions and events promoting ceramic culture. She conceived the art project Discovering the Mother Goddess presented within museums, archaeological sites, schools and associations in various regions of Italy (the workshop is promoted by the associations Pandora ceramic artists and Messy Lab). Creator and artistic director of the international festival Author Languages Journey through Arts and Crafts in the City of Colors (2020 and 2021 edition, Bosa-Sardinia) and the Melis Brothers International Ceramic Art Prize (Bosa-Sardinia). She is a member of the Pandora Association of Ceramic Artists.

