Untitled from the series "Reflections," 2024
Burnished red clay, glazes
This piece transgresses the circumscribed limits of the typology itself, imprinting a singular impression on it. Sinuous curves like the waves of the sea prevail, and movement suggested in the inlet and outlet areas. The natural beauty of the clay is also emphasized by processes such as burnishing, in perfect balance with other areas of the pieces that are glazed. One appreciates the harmony between smooth and textured surfaces, as well as the effects of light and shadow.
Esta vasija transgrede los límites circunscritos a la propia tipología al imprimirle un sello singular. Hay un predominio de sinuosas curvas cual olas marinas y el movimiento sugerido en áreas entrantes y salientes. Se insiste además en destacar la belleza natural del barro en procedimientos como el bruñido, en equilibrio justo con otras zonas de las piezas que se deciden esmaltar. Se aprecia la armonía entre superficies lisas y texturadas, así como los efectos de luces y sombras.